Various sexual prejudices exist that historically have given many privileges to men, giving them numerous advantages in all aspects of life; these historic advantages are fundamental for the analysis that we present in our essay ‘Balance on the Bike’. They mark important differences in the conceptions about bicycle use and the occupations of public space differentiated for gendered groups.
1. Women and men have different needs in transport and mobility
A study in Lima (Gómez 2000) revealed the differences between men and women in the selection criteria for the form of transport. Figure 2 shows that for women ‘personal security’, ‘road safety’ and ‘expenses’ are the top three selection criteria, whereas for men these are ‘speed’, ‘road safety’ and ‘order’. Furthermore, in the criteria women use ‘speed’ is not mentioned; in the men’s criteria ‘expenses’ is not mentioned. These differences will influence the choice for different types of transport. If women would feel personally safe in the streets in Lima and the roads were safe, then cycling could be a good choice for women. For men however, the fact that they can be fast and safe on the bicycle in the city would be the most important.
2. Personal safety
Women’s need for personal safety in transport mode choice is not only relevant for the transport mode choice and not only in Lima; it is a global concern. “Violence against women and girls is one of the most widespread violations of human rights. (...) It takes place in the home, on the streets, in schools, the workplace, in farm fields, refugee camps, during conflicts and crises.” States the UNIFEM website. It continues: “Globally, up to six out of every ten women experience physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime. (...) For women and girls from 16 – 44 years old, violence is a major cause of death and disability. (...) In 1994 a World Bank study on ten selected risk factors facing girls and women in this age group, found rape and domestic violence more dangerous than cancer, motor vehicle accidents, war and malaria.”
3. Women’s place
In our societies there still exists a clear idea of women as being in charge of social reproduction, which places them as being responsible for taking care of the children, the homes, and family spending. In a great part of the world this role forces women to remain in private space. In other parts women have to carry out these reproductive as well as productive (paid) work. The productive work being in service of the survival and wellbeing of the family and not meant to raise her status or the family’s status. This has resulted in a system that stimulates women to work nearby the home, so the combination of reproductive and productive work can be organized efficiently. This could have lead to a rise in the numbers of female cyclists, as cycling is a very efficient way to move around in the neighbourhood. In most countries the opposite is the case. Which may have to do with the fact that women in their reproductive work have to carry large packages (shopping) and accompany small children and or elders.
4. Women and mobility
Many women have been taught as a girl that being mobile, being out of the house, is not appropriate and suitable for them, but for their brothers and fathers. Mobility and cycling are associated with masculinity, speed, danger and freedom of movement. When in the streets, women should act discreet, not attracting too much attention. As a result many women haven’t learned to ride a bicycle, not even as a way of playing in the courtyard. Furthermore, to go out and ride a bike implicates to be in public space, move in the city, and not depend on any other person to get from place to place, be self sufficient and autonomous. These are aspects that are being considered outside the appropriate roles of women. This has limited the accessibility of women to bicycle use. Also, it has limited the number of affordable women’s bicycles in many countries, as the bicycle industry does not seem to see any priority in women’s bicycles.
5. Urban planning
Another important point of this analysis to consider is the construction of cities. Various countries, especially those that are developing and haven’t had the opportunity for urban planning and the countries that are very car centric, haven’t been well designed or haven’t taken into account the different necessities that women have. Women’s mobility is characterized by short chain trips, in order to combine all daily productive and reproductive tasks. Especially when realizing that women do often not travel alone (they take the responsibility of accompanying children and elderly that have even more specific necessities) it is clear that the construction of cities does not take women into account.
6. Poverty has a woman’s face
Furthermore, one should add the following important facts: in the world, the largest population that has less access to education, health and other services, and that experience poverty in higher rates are women (see e.g. Arrigiada 2005). Women represent 70% of the world’s poor (GCAP, 2010); all over the world womenheadedhouseholds form the majority of the group of poorest people. Also, women earn a lower wage for the same work men do, and jobs that are seen as ‘female’ earn less and have less status. Moreover, reproductive work ,which has been traditionally relegated to women, is outside the realm of monetary value and is therefore seen as valueless. There are various conditions that put women in this position. The weight of the social responsibility assigned to the female gender and the vertical occupational segmentation that puts women in charge of less responsibility at work than men and more responsibility for women in private life.
Lots of good details - if rather dense - but is it too general? I suppose it is a teaser for the "successful ways in which women have gotten themselves in the saddle" chapter, but would like to know when this is coming. Also figures and citations are mentioned, but...
ReplyDeleteyep, next post will be here this week.
ReplyDeleteyou are right about the citations. Let's see what I can do about that in the next one.